The right tool to help your business grow

Garden Centre 360 is packed with simple and

smart features designed to make the day to day

running of your Garden Centre simpler.

Managing all your Garden Centres operations

and ensuring you are 100% Compliant,

Safe & Legal at all times.

Good to go in just 5 days with no set-up fees

We have an extensive catalogue of forms that have been designed with our existing garden centre clients which we can re-brand to your own identity.  We are also happy to adapt your current forms for use with Garden Centre 360 or alternatively we can design new forms based on your specific requirements.

Cost Effective

Since 2012 our real-time bespoke mobile solution has been achieving some amazing results, for example:

> 79% cost saving compared to paper based reporting

> 67% increase in efficiency

£900 per centre a year average saving by replacing paperwork

 > £300 reduction in costs associated with Area Manager visits per store*
*based on an average of 3 visits per year.

The cost saving per Garden Centre equates to circa £1,200 per year.
Garden Centre 360 will cost just £600 per centre per year to operate.

No more paper

Our iForm technology will replace paper within your garden centre and provide real-time visibility of what has (or hasn’t) been done in your centres. It’s that simple!

Our iForms behave exactly the same as paper forms. Information can be written, typed or dictated into the device therefore removing the need for any extensive training. Photo attachments, voice memos and GPS location information can be captured and automatically attached to the service form being completed thus speeding up routing reporting activities by up to 70%.

Health & Safety Compliance

The activity planner ensures that Garden Centre 360 is 100% auditable. Activities are scheduled within the planner which promotes a consistent approach to centre operations regardless of the personnel on shift.

Key activities can have alerts in built to ensure completion. For example, a fire check may be scheduled for 7 am each morning and if this activity remains incomplete by 8 am, the planner will send a Text Alert to the store manager to prompt them that the activity needs to be completed. The Area Manager will continue to receive an alert until the activity has been completed.

The compliance features and alerts are configurable but they ensure that critical operational activities are completed on-time, every time.

Total Visibility of all store operations

All forms completed by any store in the chain will be stored and available online.

Form categories allow any output to be displayed in seconds for both internal or external audit purposes.

Garden Centre Planner

The planner provides a simple 7-day view of each centre’s scheduled activities. Centre and managerial staff can quickly check whether activities have been completed and which activities are due to be completed.

Activities are colour coded to instantly identify whether activities have been completed on-time (green), late (amber) or not completed at all (red).

Communicate direct from the app

Garden Centre 360 includes a simple communication tool that allows pre-configured SMS Text and Email messages to be relayed between each Centre and Head Office / Area Management Teams.

Full Service History

Garden Centre 360  stores every form completed on every device within every garden centre providing a full online history that is instantly available from any location.

Form categories allow output to be retrieved in seconds for both internal or external audit purposes.  The form history features can be used to allow Area Managers to review a centre’s performance without having to travel to the centre.

Easy Navigation

Garden Centre 360 has been designed in conjunction with some of the UK’s leading Garden Centre operators including Squires Garden Centres.

The result is an intuitive and user friendly application that will function with or without internet connection and provide access to a structured operational planner to ensure that each garden centre runs efficiently at all times.

Implementing Centre 360 couldn’t be simpler

The software is managed on our cloud and requires no client set-up whatsoever. We simply develop your service and operational forms, configure your A to Z store directory, define a suitable activity planner and in just 5 days your bespoke solution will be ready to roll out

FREE set-up | Set-up in 5 Days | 100% Compliant | £50 per centre PM

Centre 360 puts you in control with powerful features